Today, I am talking about my last visit I had with Spa Trouve.  I recently got a photo facial with a mild chemical peel after the photo facial.  The picture above is me getting the photo facial.  Don’t let the picture freak you out! It is a very simple treatment.  

Essentially, a photofacial (or IPL) is a treatment used to get rid of pigmentation. It can also treat broken capillaries, spider veins, redness, sun spots, acne, etc.  It does this through Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), by delivering a bright blast of light at high energy levels through a hand held device.  It’s a little painful, but it’s a fairly quick and easy way to get rid of pigmentation. There are a lot of products and treatments out there that help with pigmentation, but they take a lot longer to get rid of those spots than a Photofacial will. Depending on the severity of pigmentation, people generally will get between 3-6 treatments, to really see the best results.
I loved this treatment.  My face has never been so clear and flawless!  It is baby smooth.. needless to say that I am obsessed with this treatment.  I had a little pigmentation on my forehead, and redness on my nose and cheeks.  Now, it is completely gone.

Click here to read more detail and see before and after photos of the photofacial.

Okay, so here is the most exciting part.. Spa Trouve is offering you 50% off this treatment! All you have to do is say you saw my post.  Simple as that!
Unfortunately, this is only offered to Utah readers since Spa Trouve is only located here, but if you plan on visiting Utah soon, please stop by!

Have a great day!

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So I wanted to share with you today a little bit about skincare and what I try and do to improve my skin.  First, I try and get into a skin specialist at a Spa every six months to see what I need to improve and what products I need to be using.  I recently went to my favorite spot called Spa Trouve to do this and I was so excited with the results I got just from one treatment.  They analyze your skin under a uv lamp and test your skin to see what you need to improve and exactly what skincare and treatments you need.  
Traveling is super hard on my skin… from the dry weather to humidity, and applying make up all the time.. it starts to freak out!  So I really needed this visit.  They were so helpful.  
The treatment I received was the HydraFacial.  This treatment resurfaces the skin throughly providing cleansing, exfoliating, extractions and hydration, including antioxidants.   This procedure will show immediate results.  My skin was baby smooth and had that glow everyone always wants!  I had a nice pallet to work with that weekend, so my make up went on perfect.  Loved every minute of my visit, so we want to bring you into the Spa and get your choice of treatment.  Use the Rapplecopter widget below for your chance to win a $100 gift certificate to the Spa!  How exciting is that!
Since Spa Trouve is only located in Utah, this will only be open to Utah readers.  Unless you plan on visiting Utah in the near future!
The winner for the Clarisonic is here! Kylie Rae please email me your address as soon as you see this! Thank you to all who took the time to enter! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Here are a couple pictures of their gorgeous chic Spa! I love it there! 
Have a great week! Thanks for reading!
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