I wanted to share with you some sweaters that I think are so cute and are budget friendly! You don’t need to spend $100+ on a sweater to get something really cozy and cute. Its nice to have mix and match. I know for myself, my entire wardrobe I’ve got budget friendly items and some pieces I’ve spent a little more on that I know I’ll continue to wear over the years. Sweaters I feel are something to that you can continue to wear every year and they won’t be out of style the following years. So it’s good to have budget friendly and a few splurge pieces. Anyways, done blabbing. See all my picks below! Happy shopping friends! Treat yo self!
These jeans are by far my favorite pair I’ve ever owned! Super comfy and great quality, plus I love how flattering the fit is. The slit at the bottom of the flare is my favorite part. It looks super cute with any bootie or pointed toe. I love a good pair of jeans! Especially ones you know you’re going to wear for years. These ones are definitely those. The ones that you know after one wash won’t be ruined. Definitely worth the cost!
It’s getting past my bedtime over here. I’ve had computer problems so I wasn’t able to get this post out until tonight! I wake up at 6am every morning to have quiet time alone, and then go work out before Oaks wakes up.. It’s kinda my favorite thing ever and becoming such a fun habit. I’m thinking about getting up even earlier to get more things done. I’m going to do a post on why I get up so early. What would you guys want to know about it?
BTW- I’m having a HUGE sale on my fitness guides. If you buy all 3 guides, 7 DAY MEAL PLAN, LOVE HIIT BODY GUIDE & 30 DAY AB CHALLENGE, you get it 30% OFF. Kinda amazing! Use the code “GETIT30” at checkout and make sure you apply it under “ALL 3 GUIDES” I wanted to do it because it’s a new month, meaning a fresh start and to try something new. And lets be honest, it’s the holidays, so we need to maintain and not gain, haha thats my goal! I love these work outs! Quick, and to the point. They get the job done and you see real results, plus feel amazing. Feeling good is what I aim for!
Let me know if you’ve got questions! Have a great night