Listen, toddler boys are the easiest, but hardest to shop for if you know what I mean. They like too much leaving you feeling overwhelmed. The amount of toys we have in our home is gross and I want to get rid of some before I get new. I’m really careful these days with what I buy them now. Before I just bought all the things, and now most of it just sits there.
So some of these toys Oaks already has, so I’ll let you know why I like them. Some of them are in my amazon cart right now for this years Christmas.
Ice Cream Set: This was a gift from my mom to Oaks on his 3rd birthday and it was by far the most played with and favorite gift. He still uses it to this day. It’s so cute because he always wants to play “ice cream store”
Pizza Set: He has one similar, but not the oven and loves it. Play pretend is something Oaks started doing close to 2-1/2 years old so I started buying all of these play pretend toys and he still uses them. I love this oven idea too.
Grocery Cart: This was a gift for last years christmas when he was 3, and it was the top favorite. Still uses it and puts anything he can find around the house and pushes it everywhere he goes with him.
Play Pretend Food: I got this last year as well along with the grocery cart and he still uses it. He makes me hamburgers a lot haha.
Doctor Set: got this last year for Christmas and we played doctor so many times. He was “the doctor said” all of the time.
Rocket Ship Tent: This is on the list this year, but Oaks loves tents. Toddlers love going into a little tent and hiding. It’s their favorite thing, making little huts. This one is such a killer deal.
Sandwich Set: I’m getting this to add to his play pretend collection.
Kitchen Set: I think this is going to be his big gift from Santa. This goes along with everything he already has and I’m getting a white one so it’s gender neutral and Liv can use it too.
Pots & Pans: This is to go along with the kitchen theme.
Walky Talkies: 100% for sure getting Oaks these this year!
Painting Isle: I got this one for Oaks when he was 2. Like I said before I bought everything under the sun even if it wasn’t at the time, age appropriate. This is more like a 3-6 year old gift, because he’s never used it until now and he’s 4. I’m getting him paint and paper with it for christmas this year.
Paint & Brushes: This whole set is a package deal.
Hexactly Blocks: This was one of Oaks birthday gifts this year and he loved it and I love playing it with him. It’s weirdly satisfying. So its a win win for everyone involved. You both enjoy it. I’m ordering another one to go with his one he already has. You can build and build with these ones. Oaks looooves anything that stacks.
Stacking Pegs: This was one of last years gifts and still uses it. Its oddly satisfying too for the parent. Something you both can enjoy together.
Squiqz: Another gift for his 4th birthday this year. These are super fun and he loves sticking them on our big window. I also bring these for the long car ride that he can play with on the window.
Marble Run: My mom got this for Oaks last year for Christmas and he LOVES this thing. I found this wooden one too that looks easier to set up. I put the marbles away once we’re done and sit and play this one with him when the marbles are out. Then I collect all when done and hide them away. I’m a extra extra careful when it comes to choking hazard toys. Especially now that we have Liv around.
Magnets: Oaks got this as a gift from my mom for his 4th birthday and they’re another great one to play with them because it’s enjoyable for both. You can do so many things with these magnets!
Michely Blocks: These looked fun! I’m always looking for more building block ideas for him.
Lincoln Logs: So old school, but always a classic and fun toy for kids who like to build.
Cars Race track: This looked fun!
Dinosaur Clay Set: This looked fun as well! Something you can do with them while the other are napping.
Fire Station Village: Another one I got for Oaks 4th birthday. He loves this!
Personalized Wooden Name Puzzle: This one is so good to teach them how to spell and trace their name! Especially around 3-4 years old.
Star Light: My mom got this for Oaks and we put it on every night before bed and watch the stars on the ceiling. It’s so cute.
Orange Wagon: kids love to put their toys in little buckets or push carts to carry all their things. I thought this was so cute.
Jeep: Oaks actually won this from his school halloween party… (SO LUCKY!) and he absolutely love this thing. Comes with a remote control so the parents can control too if the kids can’t drive it yet, which would be under 4 years old. It’s also $70 off!
Strider Bike: Oaks got this for his 3rd birthday and it’s been the best thing I’ve ever bought for him! Now he can go so fast on it, so I’m able to push Liv in the running stroller and he can ride this and go just as fast as me. It teaches you balance too so you’re ready for a big boy bike around 5.
Best Scooter Ever: This scooter is so smooth, you lean to turn and step on the back for a break, so not really for 3 year olds, but I’d say 4+. Oaks got this from my in laws for his bday and rides it around everywhere!
Hungry Hippos: I started the tradition when he was 2 to get a board game to open on Christmas Eve and play it as a family and this game was what I got the first year, and it was a hit! So I’m doing it every year now.
Zingo: Going to do this one as the Christmas eve board game this year!
Candy land: Getting this one as well! Because it’s a classic.
I hope this gives you an idea on what to get your toddler boys! I’ll do a girl one next year once I know more about that situation. I know it can be so overwhelming at times, but think about gifts that will last, are something that won’t get old and can be passed down! My friend Paige goes by this rule that I’m following this year too… “something to wear, something they need, something they want, and something to read” and 1-3 gifts from santa! Keep as simple as possible so kids don’t get overwhelmed and also don’t expect so much every year.
Let me know if you have any questions!