
10thingsbored 7

I’m not usually bored, but I should put it this way, 10 things to do when you need to a break from the grind.  If I didn’t have kids, I might be getting bored during this quarantine. 

Between being a parent, cleaning, teaching, working and finding time to breath…. it’s a lot.  Now I understand why all of those things are different jobs.  I definitely don’t do all of those things in one day.  It’s impossible.

Oddly, I do find myself getting stuff done that I’ve been procrastinating.  I think this has just made me realize that I need to let go of certain things that aren’t serving the life I want to live. So for that, here are some things you can do when you’re bored, or you need a break from working from home, or mom life.

  1. ORGANIZE YOUR PHOTOS.   I have been going through my phone and deleting doubles and adding photos to print out into an album on chatbooks and artifact uprising. I have tons of albums already printed just for Oaks, but none of Liv yet.  I decided that I’m just going to print albums for all of us and not just for one specific kid like I originally planned.  My friend just told me you can make an album on google photos too, so I’m going there next.  You can get the app on your phone and have your photos download on there, so you can remove them from your phone.  We have so many photos on our phone that sit there.  They really just go to waist if not printed out and hung, or put into an album.  They sit in our phone.  I’ve just been slowly doing that.  So far I just have 2 getting printed off of chatbooks.  I’m being really picky with what I have printed to and not printing everything.  That can get really expensive. 
  2.  DECLUTTER AND ORGANIZE: Pick a room, or corner, or closet, drawer, pantry, fridge and dejunk it.  Organize or rearrange it.  It’s probably one of the most therapeutic things you can do.  It also gives you momentum to do it all around your house.  I’m trying to become a minimalist with certain things.  And I don’t know about you guys, but staring at my house all day makes me want to throw it all out and redo haha.  A girl can dream, but I can definitely dejunk, can’t redecorate or buy new things in the middle of an unknown crisis… am I right haha. Gotta save as much as possible right now!  I love these baskets & these baskets, these baskets & containers for your pantry.
  3. TAKE IT UP A KNOTCH W/ SKINCARE.  Take some extra time on your skincare routine.  If you don’t take time on it at all, start by adding something into it.  Turn on some spa relaxing music, turn on your rock salt lamps, and give yourself a facial massage.  I love these products I talked about in my most recent SKINCARE POST. Do a face mask and turn on a podcast, or take a walk.  Totally normal to walk around with a face mask on right now haha.
  4. MEDITATE. I do this everyday, but now more than ever I find myself doing it multiple times a day.  Not for a full 10 minutes each time, but I’ll take a couple minutes to come back to my breath and breathe.  I love using the headspace app.  That taught me how to do it and now I do it on my own most of the time.  But I highly recommend that app for starting out.
  5. JOURNAL.  I don’t journal everyday, but I try to at least write down how I’m feeling 2x a week.  Right now I use the Promptly Journals for both Oaks and Liv and talk about them and what they’re doing.  
  6. REARRANGE A ROOM.  i did this with my bedroom just recently.  Put the bed and dresser on opposite ends and it just gives it a new feeling, a new vibe.  You don’t need to  buy new things for rooms to feel new again.  Just rearrange some things and redecorate with what you have.
  7. DO THAT THING YOU SAID YOU DIDN’T HAVE TIME FOR BEFORE.  remember all those things we said we didn’t have time for?  Yeah me too.  That time is right now.  If it feels daunting, rethink it.  Is that something you really wanted.  Or maybe just start it super small and do a little here and there and see if it feels good to you. Sometimes we have to do the thing for a while to see if its something we actually like doing, and then even sometimes we do something completely opposite in the midst of doing it and end up going down a different route, which is good too.  
  8. BRING THE SPA TO YOU.  I turned on my facial steamer, relaxing spa music, salt rock lights on with, filled up the bath with a little bubbles and relaxed.  I did the facial steamer first then got in the bath.  It was so relaxing and just what I needed after a long day with the kids.
  9.  WRITE DOWN WHAT YOU’RE GRATEFUL FOR.   I know this sounds cheesy, but it can flip your day around really quick.  You can take it a step further and write it on sticky notes and put them throughout the house.
  10. FACE TIME SOMEONE.  Especially if you have your grandma and grandpa around and they know how to do it, facetime them.  I’m sure they’d appreciate it!  I do this with Oaks and his buddy and grab out his ipad.  That way I can still get work done on my phone and he can have a playdate with his buddy.  You can even do happy hour with your friends and hang out on facetime.  Right now, we don’t get to see anyone obviously, so when we can see their face and have a good talk, it can turn our day around.  I know it does for me.  

Hope you’re all hanging in there.  We can get through this.  Let me know if you have any questions, or just want to chat!
