Literally my favorite time of year right now. Don’t you hate it when the people on the internet make fun of those who love Fall so much?? Like, sorry for being happy? haha. Fall is so good. Call it basic or whatever people are saying about it, but it’s truly the best.
Okay, so I rounded up all of my favorite pullovers and cardigans for you from all of my go to stores, F21, Windsor, Express, Nordstrom and Revolve. I threw in a few splurge items too. Mostly all of these are under $100 and some under $50. But I organized it for you so you can shop away!
SANITY EQUALS FREEDOM.. What do I mean? Well the more sane I become, the more freedom I have to feel at ease and peace.
Becoming a mom/work at home mom/wife/step mom has got me all SORTS of crazy..there are days I just kinda wanna pull my hair out, or eat 20 cookies from stress, or sleep 4 days OR drink 10 bottles of wine. Maybe scream and then repeat.
BUT there are ways I’ve learned to deal with my anxiety/stress.These 3 simple things I find so affective.I hope you can too.Listen, we’ve all got stress and anxiety to a certain extent.We ALL have shit we have to deal with on a daily basis.Constant WTF moments.. but there are ways we can deal with these things, without eating or drinking away our stress.I’m not a therapist or a doctor here… so haha. But I want to share with you what I do that works for me, so hopefully you can walk away from this post and apply them in your lives and have the benefit you!I share things that I do that work for myself.In hopes of helping you!
WORK AWAY FROM HOME.If you don’t have a job or anything of the sort, then grab a book and head to starbuck or a quiet place away from home, and just breath and read.Or seriously just sit there in silence and appreciate the peace, all while sipping on your cup of joe, or tea.I like to go to starbucks and work.Gives me LIFE to be able to sit and do what I love in peace and quiet.Right now I’m creating another meal plan for you and another exciting project *(which I can’t say at the moment) but I find it so rejuvenating to do my thing for a minute and get what I need to get done with no distractions aka Oaks and the hubs.Or even a knock on my door haha.
TURN YOUR PHONE OFF/OR HIDE IT. With what I chose to do with my life, it involves a lot of social media/screen time.A lot of you can relate I’m sure.Lots of screen time everywhere no matter what you do.But sometimes I find myself mindlessly scrolling and looking at things that sometimes cause me more anxiety.So what I’ve been doing is putting my phone in the other room while Oaks is awake for at LEAST 2 hours and not looking at my computer either.It’s nice to disconnect.
TEA TIME/BATH.Mom or not a mom yet, you need some time to relax at night.Taking a bath while wearing a face mask is so rejuvenating and relaxing!Helps me unwind.I’ll usually grab a book too and stay in there for a good 20 minutes. And MY NIGHT TIME TEA is the bomb. I drink this every single night. It’s been about 6 months since I started and I see so much improvement with being able to unwind at night and sleep better. Plus, apple cider vinegar is so good for you!
On another note, Im highly obsessed with this sweater, although its NO WHERE to be found. Kinda bummed about it, but I linked some amazing sweaters for you that you’ll love. Plus, have you checked out Uncommon James? Thats where I got both these earrings. It isn’t sponsored or anything, just really love!
AND wait hold up. We gotta talk about the jeans. FAVORITE JEANS EVER. Not joking, and they’re under $100. I’ve seen so many bloggers wear them and say the same things about them, so I’m like alright alright, I’ll buy them. And they were lying! Always love a good pair of good jeans, because they can be worn with everything, and multiple days in a row, and no one says a thing haha.
Hope you guys have a goodnight! I’m headed to put Oaks in the tub, and drink my tea 🙂