How was everyones 4th?! Hope you all enjoyed the holiday with your family!
I have been looking for a good pair of pink blush slide ons, & found these ones at DSW for only $60. Kinda amazing, since I usually could only find that at $150+. They’re super comfy! & I need comfortable as a mom of a toddler.
They have SO many designer brands at affordable prices. I also bought Oaks swimming shoes there that I have shown all over my instagram & snapchat. Same with my Adidas Slip Ons I wore to the Lake.
Going to head to the gym now, after a week off! Ah, wish me luck!
Happy Tuesday guys! It is GLOOMY here in Utah, & cold.. which is bringing me to sip on some warm coffee.. I don’t mind it though. Nice break from the heat.
So I wanted to just simply share 10 random things you might not know about me & my life..
1. I started blogging 2012 & wore the most hideous clothing…. So embarrassing. I don’t encourage you to scroll back to 2012 haha. But hey you gotta start somewhere.
2. I love food. LOVE food. Have a hard time keeping myself from to much food on the weekends.
3. I have 2 step kids. My husband had his first at 19, got married & then had another. They are two years apart. The first is Tyson & he is 17. Halle is 15. Crazy right? They’re such good kids, & super grateful for that.
4. Back in December we had Tyson move in with us permanently. It has been a journey to say the least, but he helps with Oaks & it’s so fun to watch Oaks interact & bond with him. He loves Tyson! All & all I love having Tyson live with us, & getting to know him better. It’s fun to see him bond with his dad.
5. There is no one behind the Love by Lynn brand helping right now, just my husband & I. Mostly little ol’ me. Hoping to bring someone on very soon, as we expand!
6. I am 1 of 5 kids. I have 1 step sister , 2 brothers, & a sister. My sister & I are VERY close. We’re 16 months apart and I’m so happy about that. Praising my mom everyday for that! It’s been so fun growing up with her. We’ve never been closer than we are right now, & it just keeps getting better. She’s my best friend.
7. My parents were divorced when I was 24. An ugly divorce, it was one of the hardest things my brothers, sister & I went through. Everything is all good now. They both got remarried, & it’s all good now.
8. Had an eating disorder from the ages 19-21. Starve & binge… starve & binge. Would work out, but nothing would happen. I wasn’t feeding my body with the right nutrients, plus everything I ate was immediately stored to fat, since I wouldn’t eat all day & binge late at night.
9. Favorite bad food?… Fries, & chocolate.
10. Last but not least, I struggle everyday with getting myself to get ready haha. #momlife
Okay guys, hope this post wasn’t annoying, but I wanted to get REAL & let you guys in on more about me. Let me know if you liked it!