

I’ve been making smoothies for Oaks since he was– probably 11 months old.  I make them nice chocolatey, peanut buttery and just flat out delicious, BUT I do hide a little something something in there, thats nutritious for the growing boy, and so healthy, and guess what?  He totally can’t tell.  BINGO.  I get a lot of DM’s about what I feed Oaks and how he eats so healthy.  Well, first and foremost, Oaks is just as picky as the next toddler.  Sometimes I don’t know how the kids survives everyday, haha NO NO calm down, joking.   BUT jokes aside, he really is a pretty healthy eater.  Number 1 rules I’ve always followed, NEVER give up offering them healthy foods.  I’ve offered them since the beginning and he wasn’t to found. It takes time, but eventually he’ll eat it.  Remember, they have just tiny bellies, so they don’t need a lot to keep full.  They will stop when they’re full.

Also, another rule I follow is TRY, I caps “try” because this is a hard one in times of desperation haha.  Try not to give so many snacks.  BECAUSE they’ll eat more at breakfast, lunch and dinner.  If I give Oaks to many snacks throughout the day, he won’t eat actual meals.  And we have cookies, cheerios, fruit snacks etc.. in our home for him.  I want him to grow up with those things too.  I don’t let him eat them all day long, just like I wouldn’t.  I teach him to be healthy, all while teaching him how to balance these foods, just like I have. 

The TWO BIGGEST TRICKS, on how I get him to drink the smoothie and LOVE the smoothie, are by….


NUMBER 1– We make the smoothie together.  I let him pour everything in the blender and start the blender, and I’ll keep telling him how yummy it looks and “this is Oaks smoothie!”  and he gets SO EXCITED.

NUMBER 2–  I make my smoothie afterwards to drink with him.  We play this game while sitting at his mini table, where we drink out of our straws at the same time.  It has to be out of a straw.  I’ll say “Okay, lets take a drink!” and for some reason he LOVES this game and loves drinking it together. We both look at each other and I’ll make silly expressions (mostly with my eyes- because I’m drinking) and he thinks its the funnest game ever.  I don’t know, it might just be Oaks, but I swear it works like a charm.  But find what your little one likes and make it fun!

When you make things fun and a game, they love and enjoy it so much more!  Oaks knows now that he loves his “Yummy Chocolate Smoothie!”  

Alright, scroll down for the delicious smoothie for toddlers!  Honestly, you can keep this for yourself too! It’s really good.












Blend all of the following ingredients in a blender..

  • 1/2 Cup Water
  • 3 Ice Cubes
  • 1 Scoop Chocolate Plant Based Protein (I like Orgain, because I drink this everyday- no need to go buy a new one just for them)
  • 1/2 Banana
  • 1 Tbsp Peanut Butter
  • Handful of greens ( I do kale or spinach)
  • A toddler sized handful of Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips (Honestly, this wasn’t a part of it, but Oaks threw them in there when we were shooting it haha, but it’s good with that too!) 

AND BLEND IT UP!  So easy and good.  Let me know if you guys liked this and if your kids did too!

BTW- I know this blender is very pricey, BUT let me just tell you.  We’ve, or I should say, TJ has had this blender for 10 years.  It’s a little bit beat up, but it works like a CHAMP.  Not once, has there been a problem with it. So it’s totally worth the splurge, because in the end you are actually saving from replacing blenders!  It blends everything, dips, sauces, etc..

Hope you enjoyed this post, let me know if you’ve got any questions! Open to chat with you at all times.  Send me a comment here, DM, email.. LOVE YOU GUYS.








In honor of my little guy turning 17 months today (wow!!) I am sharing 3 quick easy and healthy snack/meals for toddlers, that Oaks absolutely loves and hasn’t gotten sick of… so far.

  I can’t believe how fast he has grown. SOOO many mixed emotions about it, as I am sure most you mommas totally are getting it. 

He loves to get on my back and play peek a boo and then run around me and laugh and laugh.  he points to everything and goes “oooo”  he loves pushing his van outside constantly (as you’ve seen on my snapchat) he loooooves outside so thank goodness its warming up!

He knows how to say “mama” and just sings jibber jabber songs.  He always wants his bottle and blankey.  He loves watching bubble guppies and getting up and watching it with his bottle and blankey.  He can run really fast and thinks it’s really funny when you shake your head “no” really fast!

He always wants to drink out of an adult cup.  He can wave bye and he loves to open and shut doors, and throw things (especially out of the bath tub) he also loves turning the fauster on and off even when he isn’t in the tub.

He is THE Best sleeper.. sleeps all through the night and takes 3 hour naps.  Thank goodness for those!  I sleep trained him at 6 months, you can about my REALNESS ABOUT MOM GUILT & SLEEP TRAINING on how I did it there.

He’s a HUGE people watcher and observer.  He also likes to share and will let babies take his toys (hopefully that lasts haha)  he is such a sweet boy and has always been so laid back (thank goodness for my husbands genes)

See below for the snacks!



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You guys know I am all about efficiency and EASY healthy things to make, so here are some quick easy and healthy snacks I have made for Oaks.

NUMBER 1- Black Bean, Quinoa & Guac mix.  I pre-make my Quinoa with chicken broth every week.. It is 1 cup quinoa and 2 cups chicken broth.  Bring to boil and then cover and let simmer for about 15 mins.  So easy to have on hand.

Then I buy the black beans in a can and warm them up a little then put guac, quinoa and black beans in a little bowl and mix it up.  He LOVES it.  Keep trying to give it to your babies.  It is super healthy for them.

They say you should try at least 15 times before they actually will start eating it.  Then they know you mean business and they will start eating it.  

I will also cut avocados and he will literally eat a whole avocado in one sitting.  I started doing that when he was about 8 months.  It took a few times for him to actually like it, but I kept doing it and he finally gave in.  So keep trying and don’t give up!  Especially if it is healthy for them.

NUMBER 2: Mini Peanut Butter Banana Sandwich.  Oaks LOVES these.   I just cut up the banana in little pieces, and put Maranatha Organic Peanut Butter in between and connect them for little sandwiches.  This is the best peanut butter ever ever ever (i think) and It is super healthy with no added sugars like Skippy has. 

Number 3: Snacks on the go- Annies Organic Bunny Snacks (mini bags) & Happy Tot Organic Squeezable’s .  Again, Oaks LOVES these haha.  These are the only squeeze packets he loves and always wants to eat two at a time.  I used to get so mad because I would buy a ton of different ones that went completely to waist because he never liked them, but these are a huge hit for him!

The Bunny snacks are amazing too, because I will just hand him a little bag and he will munch on them.  I love these little healthy snacks on the go.  I have them on hand always in my bag, in case a cranky hunger strike comes haha.

These snacks I have found are the easiest for us and what he loves, so I stick to these things a lot! I will keep sharing Ideas as he gets older, but I have had  a lot of trial and errors with food for him.  Believe it or not, he doesn’t like many unhealthy things, which sometimes I wish he did haha.  But I am actually glad the little guy likes to eat healthy like his mama a dad.

What are some healthy snacks you give your toddler they cannot live without?? Share your ideas in the comments!

Thanks for reading!  Have a great day!


Sara Lynn