
I shared this on my fitness instagram page LOVEBYLYNNFITNESS but I wanted to permanently share it here for you! It’s a good one and something that I really believe in and have been doing for years.  It works! My 3 tips to building muscle.   Let me know what you think. 

1. PICK 1-2 MUSCLE TO LIFT FOR EACH DAY:  Lift 1-2 muscle groups each day, so for example…

Monday: chest & triceps 
Tuesday: back & biceps 
Wednesday: legs 
Thursday: shoulders & abs
Friday: glutes 
Saturday: cardio & abs 
Sunday: rest day or cardio 
This is an example of what I do, but lately I’ve been adding in 3 glute days do build my booty!
This will allow you to focus on those muscles and really work each one without overthinking it. 
This is also an example of how my current body guide is & also how the next one will be. I’ve seen the biggest difference in myself doing it this way for 7+ years, which is why I’m super passionate about it. .
2. EAT THE RIGHT CALORIES: eat a good balance of protein, fat and carbs. The ratio varies from person to person, so I can’t tell you what you should be eating, everyone is different, but what I shoot for at the moment is 35% protein & 35% protein & 30% fat. 
I talk more about it in this post on MACROS.
If you’ve never counted your macros, I highly recommend it. It teaches you so much about the ratio and what should be on your plate. That way if you want to stop counting, you know what’s in what and how much you should have of the macros just by eye balling. 

3. DRINK WATER:  Here is 7 reasons why you should!  

1. Be less cranky. Research says dehydration can affect your mood and make you grumpy and confused. Think clearer and be happier by drinking more water.

2. Perform better: Proper hydration contributes to increased athletic performance. Water composes 75% of our muscle tissue! Dehydration can lead to weakness, fatigue, dizziness, and electrolyte imbalance.

3. Lose weight: Sometimes we think we are hungry, when actually we are thirsty. Our body just starts turning on all the alarms when we ignore it. For those of you trying to drop some pounds, staying hydrated can serve as an appetite suppressant and help with weight loss. I love using this LARGE 24oz PINK starbucks container! It holds so much water and if this is always by me, I know I’ll take sips every few minutes. 

4. Have less joint pain. Drinking water can reduce pain in your joints by keeping the cartilage soft and hydrated. This is actually how glucosamine helps reduce joint pain, by aiding in cartilage’s absorption of water.

5. Flush out waste and bacteria. Our digestive system needs water to function properly. Waste is flushed out in the form of urine and sweat. If we don’t drink water, we don’t flush out waste and it collects in our body causing a ton of problems. It’s kinda gross if you think about it, so drink up! Also combined with fiber, water can cure constipation.

6. Prevent headaches: Sometimes headaches can be caused by dehydration, so drinking water can prevent or alleviate that annoying head pain. Next time your head hurts, try drinking water.

7. Make your skin glow: obviously this one is my favorite! Our skin is the largest organ in our body. Regular and lots of water consumption can improve the color and texture of your skin by keeping it building new cells properly. It also helps the skin do it’s job of regulating the body’s temperature through sweating. .

My goal is to refill my 24oz cup 3-4 times a day. .

Last but not least, BE CONSISTENT with all these things. Good things take time & patience. None of us are perfect, but do your best everyday and make it a habit!





Have a good day!






I think that journaling Oaks life is something I really try to do and make time for.  I wanted to share with you guys what I’ve been doing and using to journal.  It’s not as complicated as it sounds, unless you make it that way and don’t keep up with it… like me right now ha.  But I really try to do these things so that I can remember the sweet things he does.  I don’t want to forget them!

  1. MOMS ONE LINE A DAY.  This is a journal of 5 1 lines you write down everyday that were heart felt, funny, or milestones that happened that day.  It’s super short and simple.  You have about 1 sentence on each line everyday.  I write THE MOST simple things down.  For example “we woke up and made waffles, and then played blocks and he kept laughing as they fell down”.  Just little things like that.  Or “oaks gave me the first kiss today!”  All those little daily things they say that we can easily forget.  I’m not perfect, so I don’t write it down everyday, but I really try to at least 3-4 days a week.   Do it when you know you will.  I do after I put Oaks to bed every night.  It also makes me feel so grateful for all the things that happened that day.  It makes you realize that these little moments are so sweet and special and to not take them for granted.
  2. CHATBOOKS.  SO when Oaks was born, I made a separate private instagram account that I could upload all his photos too.  Then I signed up for Chatbooks through that.  If you aren’t familiar with chatbooks, they send you a little book with the caption every 60 photos, so it’s like a cute little scrapbook made SO easy for you.   So I’m currently about 4 months behind on his which is SO stressful, so with this one I recommend uploading at least 5 photos every week and keep up with it, so you don’t get behind.  But I LOVE getting these in the mail.  Sometimes I write novels on each one, but sometimes I’ll just write a memory about that certain photo.  You can also have them send you as many as you want. I’m going to order them for Oaks to keep when he gets older.  If he cares haha.  

But these are the two things I really try to keep up with!  It doesn’t get to be a huge task unless you make it that way, like myself right now haha. But just make it a goal to do it every day.  Set aside 10 minutes.  We all have 10 minutes.  Thats easy!  It shouldn’t take you to long.

What are some ways you journal and keep memories of your kids? Share them below!



