So intervals, are basically life to me now.

So what is interval training?

Interval training is a type of physical training that involves a series of low- to high-intensity exercise workouts interspersed with rest or relief periods. The high-intensity periods are typically at or close to anaerobic exercise, while the recovery periods involve activity of lower intensity.

I cannot go one day without doing them.  It has helped my anxiety and worry that I constantly have ever since Oaks.

I got the tip from The Skinny Confidential.  She is one of my favs.  Must check her out.

Anyways, doing intervals not only burns more calories, but it really helps with depression, anxiety and just plain old stress.

It can help to reduce mental illness, and good for your overall health, and mind.

This is the main thing I do to get my cardio in.

What I do, is I will get on the treadmill anywhere to 20-40 mins.

I bring it to a 4.0 incline, and speed walk on 3.5 for 1 minute and then bring it up to 7.0 for the next minute. 

I will do this usually 30 minutes every day. 

I do it after my heavy lifting.

-Here are a few reasons why intervals (anerobic exercises) are so good for you

•it promotes brain growth

•it prevents stress by beating it to the punch: self-inflicted physical stress helps ready the body to cope with emotional or physical stress when it comes around unexpectedly

•it interrupts the mental feedback loop of anxiety within the brain

•it reduces muscle tension, which in turn, reduces anxiety

•it regulates all the neurotransmitters targeted by antidepressants, thus waking up the brain and improving self-esteem

•it elevates brain-derived neurotrophic factor, slowing cognitive decline and strengthening your capacity for and rate of learning, and protects neurons against the corrosive effects of cortisol (exercise boosts BDNF at least as much as antidepressants if not more)

•it balances neurotransmitters in the brain that promote focus

So, to break down what I do with my cardio intervals each week.

Four days out of the week I will do 20 minute intervals with heavy lifting.  On the weekends I will do 30-40 minute intervals with heavy lifting.

The reason I do more on the weekends is because I usually want to burn off anything bad I ate.

I have something SO exciting to share tomorrow with you all so stay tuned!

Let me know if you have any questions about this.














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I struggle to get to the gym some days just like any other person.  Just because I seem like I don’t, I DO have those days.

Today, being one of them.  

So I decided to share things that help me get to the gym, and of course share my pre-work out that will change your whole life.


A good PLAYLIST.  This is SO important.  Get your playlist ready in advance and have the best jams ready to go, and make sure you have enough to last you an hour, or however long you decide to work out.

My husband is a music fanatic… different music.  I don’t want to say EDM because that is to raver sounding, but it is something along those lines.

So needless to say he has really good jams that he has introduced me to, that really get me pumped.

Here is the list of songs I have been listening to the past couple weeks.  Download them if you would like!

Number 11, is my all time favorite right now!  I hope you enjoy them as much as me.  They will get you ready to get moving!

So I have got a ton of questions on my pre-work out.  I used to take them back a few years ago, and stopped because I just felt cracked out ha ha.  

I was taking the wrong one that is for sure, because the one I take now does not make you feel that way at all.

It gives me the push I need to keep going while I work out.  My husband wasn’t really into them either until he finally started taking mine, and was so shocked at how much it helped him.

He also said the same thing about it not being so intense.

He takes his after work around 5 and can go to bed just fine at 10-11pm, which is his normal bedtime.  I take mine in the morning or afternoon, whenever Oaks is napping.

So with that said, make sure you eat something with it when you take it, and I wouldn’t recommend taking a pre-work out if you have certain health complications.  Its wise to talk to your doctor first.

Also, if you are breastfeeding or pregnant, DO not take a pre-work out.  

It is called Amino Energy, it has BCAA’s as well which is another reason I like it.  BCAA stimulate protein synthesis, and might do so to a greater extent than a normal protein on its own. BCAAs also increase synthesis of the cellular machinery responsible for carrying out the process of protein synthesis.

BCAA also give you natural energy, which is why it doesn’t have the intense affect like most pre-work outs.

I love the watermelon flavor.  That is all I have tried so far, but I keep buying that flavor because it tastes so good.  

So, just giving you suggestions on what I do and love.  I am not telling you to go do it yourself and try it. If you already work out just fine, then you probably don’t need it.  All your choice!



Going to go to the park with my little monkey now.  Follow my snapchat to see more of that cutie!  @lovebylynn.  You can follow easily by taking a picture with your snapchat camera, of the ghost on my sidebar to the right of my site.

If you haven’t joined my ab challenge, you should try it out!  It will be so much fun.  It is all exercises that you can do anywhere.  No equipment needed.  Check it out here!