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The third trimester hits and you really start to see some major changes, thighs get bigger, belly obviously grows larger, face starts to get rounder, feed feel more swollen, you feel puffier everywhere basically.  So how the freak do you stay confident AND comfortable during the home stretch.  Well the answer is simple.  You have to make the decision to love yourself in every stage of life no matter what.

It’s a simple answer, but yet, most of us have a hard time feeling this way, not just when we’re pregnant. When I say comfortable, I mean literally.  From the pain in your body, the exhaustion you’re carrying all day.   There are times when I just feel down right crappy and don’t have any sort of motivation to go about my day and I let my emotions get the best of me.

I’m going to list a bunch of things that have helped me stay confident and comfortable through this last home stretch trimester.  

  1. DON’T TELL YOURSELF YOU’RE SO LARGE.  Stop saying you’re so huge and you look this way, or apologizing for looking a certain way to someone else.  Get that out of your vocabulary.  The more you tell yourself how large and fat you’re getting, the more you will look and feel that way.  The mind is a powerful tool.  Instead say to yourself, wow, my body is incredible.  It can carry and grow a human, I’m so healthy and I’m so proud my baby is healthy and well.  I’m awesome and look great! 
  2. WHEN SOMEONE ASKS HOW YOU’RE DOING, BE POSITIVE.  I’m not saying things are rainbows and sunshine all the damn time.    Obviously, if you are sick then it’s okay to tell someone you need some help, I’m not saying that.  I just mean don’t talk yourself down when someone asks you.  For example, “oh ya know, just large and can’t sleep and so uncomfortable” yada yada.  You already know those things, but repeating them out loud again and again you’re just reminding yourself that you’re tired, uncomfortable and want the baby out now.  Which therefore makes you feel even more crappy.  Again, it’s a mind game.  The mind is powerful.  I’m not saying lie about it, but you can reply in that way more positive!  “Oh ya know how this goes!  I’m just so ready to meet this sweet angel!, we’re so close and so anxious to meet her!”  Something along those lines!  It works, I’m telling you.
  3. MOVE.  If you have doctors orders not to move at this point then don’t read on.   Whenever I’m feeling sluggish and tired, I get up and move around.  Go for a walk outside if it’s nice weather, or I’ll go walk on the stair master at the gym for 20 minutes, just anything to move my body and get out of my head of negative self talk about how tired I feel.  It totally works and I feel like a new person when I do this.  The worst thing you can do is sit around and dwell and complain about how you’re so large and can’t move.  Also, it’s one thing if you’ve been busy and on your feet all day and need to rest, but it’s another if you haven’t and you’ve been laying around all day.   Get up and move.  It’ll make you feel better, plus it does help the pain in your back.
  4.  PULL IT TOGETHER.   There are days where  I don’t do a damn thing to my hair and sit in my pajamas all day and those days are great, but not everyday.  You get to a point of feeling the way you look.  Do you know what I mean?  When I get up, shower and put on a little make up with something cute on, I feel so much better and feel more productive.   You don’t need to get dolled up to the T.  Just put a little effort into it.  It takes me 15 minutes to do that in my mornings.  
  5. MAKE REALISTIC GOALS.  K guys, when you’re in the third tri you just can’t do it all.  I’ve learned this the hard way because I’m such a doer.  I can’t stop and I won’t stop going.  But I’ve totally chilled out this pregnancy and let myself rest and just be in the season I’m in.  This is what I’ve learned so far.  Working out, organizing my house, being a fun energetic mother, creating content, making dinner for the 3 of us and making bed time a pleasant and happy time…. all of those things I just listed I did before pregnancy no problem… (well there are days with problems haha) but I just mean I set my goals to high for the day and couldn’t get it all done, so therefore I felt like shit about myself. There is something about me that when I check something off my list I get some sort of high.  But instead of doing that I set realistic goals for the day.  For example, if I go work out, I know I’m going to have to choose my battles and probably won’t be able to get much more activity done that day and play with oaks and all the things.  So instead I’ll do days like create content, clean and play with Oaks.  Or work out and play with oaks.  The lists are shorter, but you’ve got to choose your battles.  You can’t be everything for everyone, especially when you’re growing a baby full time.
  6.  SELF CARE.  Everyone has their own self care and what makes them feel good. Find what you love to do to help yourself be a better person and to those around you.  For me, I love giving myself 30 minutes in the morning before Oaks wakes up.  I meditate with headspace, write in my Moms one line a day book, and Five Minute Journal, then If I’ve got enough time I’ve been listening to “The Universe Has Your Back” and I’ll take notes.   Thats a non negotiable thing I’ve expected from myself everyday.  Every week I make sure I go get something done for myself, whether thats get my nails done, spray tan, facial, or even a mini facial at home with a little Jade Rolling action.  I need time alone and time with myself in order for me to function everyday and be there for my son and husband.  Plus new baby girl on the way!  I have to set the foundation for a happy home, because a happy wife is a happy life, right? ha.  





I’ve loved these panties during pregnancy!  They’re extremely comfortable!




You don’t have to dress boring and frumpy when you’re pregnant.  A lot of the time we’re to tired to get dolled up and thats honestly OKAY.  Totally fine.  You should live in your sweats if you’re feeling crummy, but ya know what?  The days you feel good, doll yourself up!  I swear it’ll help you feel better.  These are a few outfits I’ve been wearing on nights out, day dates, or date nights.  Depending on how I feel.  

Obviously, you can tell that all I wear is dresses.  It flatters the belly and you have room to move and not feel claustrophobic.

I want to mention that I sized up on all my dresses!  I order a medium now, instead of small, but I’ll probably start getting large here pretty soon for this growing belly.

Scroll down to get all the links and goodies to the outfits!















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This sweater is actually a dress, but I’m wearing as a sweater as they belly grows!   The jeans are 100% unbuttoned right now, but I’m to the point now where I don’t even bother with jeans anymore. 

And booties.  Guys, they’re amazing!  I love them!

Have a good day!
