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Okay- I made this recipe up a couple weeks ago, but I didn’t want to share it until I perfected it!  I’ve made them probably 10 times, so I’ve got it down and know all the tricks.  If you’re a peppermint dark chocolate lover, you will DIE over these.  I can’t and won’t give up my dark chocolate, and it’s so unrealistic to say you can’t eat something.  I like to say “Im eliminating this for this”  so I’m eliminating other bad treats for my own homemade protein treats! 

Okay, so I love creating things like this and its not to often that I do.  I got my inspiration from the Chocolate Protein Truffles I made last year.  So I’m all about the treats in moderation!  So here we go. Scroll down for the recipe.  BTW these are Vegan, dairy free and gluten free.





  1. Mix protein powder, brown sugar, almond milk, stevia and coconut flour in a medium size bowl until smoothed out.
  2. Take a small spoon full and mash together, then form into a ball,  and roll and smooth it into about 1 inch size ball.   To roll it into a ball, you’ll take both hands and move in circles to roll it and smooth out. Don’t press to hard while rolling.   Make sure it sticks together before placing it down.  
  3. Once done with add 3 tbsp chocolate chips and 1/2 tbsp coconut oil to a small bowl.  Heat up on your stove top on medium heat. Don’t leave it sitting there.   Make sure to watch it and stir the entire time, so you don’t burn it to the bottom of the pan.  OR heat up in the microwave for 2 mins, longer if needed. 
  4. Grab a ziplock bag, and open the candy cane and place the candy cane in the bag.  Then close it and smash the candy cane into tiny pieces with a muddler… or your foot, cup  haha whatever works, just mash it up!
  5. Once its nice and melted.  Roll each truffle into the chocolate mix and then place in a tupperware container to fit all.  
  6. Then sprinkle the peppermint flakes on top of each truffle and place in the fridge for 20 minutes before eating. 
  7. Store in the fridge and eat within 3-5 days


It’s the perfect little treat to help you feel satisfied and not reach to much for all the holiday treats!  I always tell myself!  Let me know how you guys like this post!  Hope you love them as much as me!


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Processed with VSCO with q5 preset

OKAY.  So heres the thing. I love my snacks, I gotta have my snacks.  I can’t go in between meals and not have something else to look forward to eat, or munch on.   The thing with me is I like EASY & EFFICIENT.  You may not know this, but I feel super lazy when it comes to making things for myself.  I mean, lets get real… who has the time to be making food all day? NOT ME.  The reason I say this is because you can ALSO eat super healthy without having to be preparing 24/7.  I like to make mine ahead of time, plus have a protein bar every now and then.  Here are my 3 GO TO’s that I reach for.

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1. RXBARS.  NO BS BARS- I love these bars because I know whats in them & know that I’m not getting anything added, like extra sugars.  You always want to read labels and make sure that the ingredients are readable.  If it starts to get to long, and you don’t know whats what.  My guess is, it’s probably not the most nutritious choice in the world.  Another thing you could do is look up the ingredient, if you really want to get into it.  But with that said, It’s not like I deprive myself from things either.  I’ll have another protein bar, like ONE bars, or FIT JOY bars.  They aren’t that bad every once in a while.  But just keep in mind of the extra sugars. 

DARK CHOCOLATE CHUNKS– To add to my number one, I also like to eat just plain dark chocolate chunks.  SO good, and it helps me feel satisfied when I’m wanting something sweet.  I’ll have a tbsp usually.   It has 7 fats, 4 protein, and 14 carbs.



2. EGG WHITE CAKES– I did a post on these a while back, but I want to bring it to your attention again.  If you have a hard time hitting protein, you gotta make these!  I pre-make them every week, and put them in the fridge and just heat it up when I’m ready to eat one.  I’ll pair it with avocado and some cholula sauce!  Go check it out.



3. PROTEIN TRUFFLES– I also did a post on these as well, but they need your attention again, because they’re bomb! If you missed the post, there you go.  These are also high in protein.  Think a homemade protein bar, but 10x better and more fresh.  They’re so delicious.  I pre-make these as well for a whole week, and they’re easy to grab and go.  If you just set aside an hour to prep your food for the week, you are set for the entire week.  All you have to do is grab and go!  So worth it. SO go check out those recipes!

Hope you enjoy!  Let me know how you like them.  Have a great weekend.


Sara Lynn