And just like that my little angle is TWO. Although it may look like we had a blast at this shoot… we had to take EXTREME measures to get him to crack a smile. Haha THANKING Myself I had the idea pf bringing confetti glitter because that SAVED everything. He wasn’t down to shoot in this cold weather (don’t blame him) also wasn’t down with holding balloons (which is odd for him) wasn’t down to smile, wasn’t down to run around to warm up. He loves the mountains, so the kid was definitely cold. I felt bad but we didn’t get up at 5am (well me) for nothing! We shot at 8am, so I was surprised it was so cold.
Once I pulled at the GLITTER. It was INSTANT… I mean INSTANT happiness. Keep scrolling and you’ll see the overjoyed little boy throwing his confetti glitter. ..
Can it get ANY Cuter though?? I am so excited it turned out just perfectly. How could I not post a million of these gems. They’re priceless. I really narrowed down the photos for this post. He was so happy with this glitter! It was so great.
So when all else fails toddler moms… BRING GLITTER.. Confetti glitter might I add. Go to any party store (zurchers, partyland etc..) and they’ll have it.
So I wanted to share this poem that couldn’t be more perfect for him turning two. I post this on my IG, but I need to permanently post it here, so he can read it someday. Grab a tissue… you WILL shed a tear, or 10 haha.
“Once a tiny newborn, now my little man.
You’re growing up to fast for me
please slow down if you can.
Each day I wish would linger, but they’re gone in a flash.
Each night I hold you tightly praying for this to last.
My heart fills with pride with each new step you take, but watching
time pass quickly also causes ache.
So, I make the most I can
of this time when you are small,
cherishing each and every day
for they’re the best days after all.
And I pray when you are older,
that you look back fondly, too
on the days when you were little an know how much I love you.”
I got this from the book I read called Positive Parenting. HIGHLY recommend this book. It’s definitely made me more patient with Oaks, and I feel that when I get angry or frustrated, I’ll go in the other room to calm down for a second. Baby days are fleeting. Life goes by fast. There is no time to waist any minute being upset. Enjoy it all mamas!
Thanks for taking the time to read my posts! Have a great day!