I would like to introduce to you my FULL BODY work out guide called “LOVE HIIT BODY GUIDE” SOOO EXCITED!!!
I am so excited to share this with you guys! It means the world to me, and I hope you guys enjoy it just as much as I loved creating it for you.
The past few months have been crazy, putting this together, and balancing being a mom at the same time. But it was worth it and now it is finally out there for all of YOU!
What really inspired me to create this was Oaks, and getting myself back into shape after my pregnancy with him. I have been working out for years, always having the freedom to get to the gym whenever and however I wanted. That completely changed once I had Oaks.
This forced me to get creative with how I move everyday and get my sweat in. So I started doing HIIT work outs from home that I created from using body weight, and weights that I would normally use at the gym.
I mixed those two and had amazing results! Actually, even better results from PRE baby body! You have seen it for yourself on my instagram. My body transformed into more lean and strong, and my abs are better than ever.
And not to mention I feel better, and more energetic! This allows me to be the BEST version of myself and the BEST mom I can be.
You have seen me show you the work outs I have been doing through my instagram. This was all from home, in my living room. Very efficient.
In this guide you will get work outs Week 1-4. Total of 23 different work outs.
Week 1-3 you will have 6 days of work outs, with 1 resting day. Week 4, is 5 work out days with 1 resting day.
I wanted to put it all in a book for you and keep you inspired and moving every day! This book is to help you get into the best shape of your life, without having to spend hours in a gym everyday. You can do this anywhere anytime, with little equipment.
Each and everyone of you have inspired me to create this. You’re all amazing and I appreciate your support daily. Through emails, dm’s etc.. I appreciate it so much!
This guide is for everyone! Anyone can do it, and that is what I LOVE about this. I want you to all be the BEST versions of YOURSELF. I truly do. It is an amazing feeling of feeling live and well. I want you to LOVE HIIT.
I am here to help and support all of you. I want the best for you!
Hope you love this guide and PLEASE let me know if you have any questions! Feel free to personally email me at lovebylynn@gmail.com. I will answer ASAP.
Connect with me through your journey, by using the hashtag on all social channels “LoveHiitBodyGuide” and tagging me @lovebylynn.
Can’t wait to start this journey with all of you! You’re going to be OBSESSED with these work outs!
Sara Lynn