Okay, raise your hand if you want to know what the hell you’re putting in your body when eating a protein/granola bar?! I DO. And quite frankly sick of seeing BS on the ingredients. So I’ve taken it upon myself to create my OWN protein bites, and guess what? They’re even better than those processed bars (not saying I don’t eat them, from time to time) but it’s nice to know what we’re putting in our bodies? Not to mention, this is MUCH more affordable than those costly bars… some are $3 a bar. That shit adds up REAL quick. And I like to save that for my kombacha drinks.. haha. And you guys, you put everything in a bowl, mix it up, roll into balls and done. The most simple, yet healthy protein treats you’ll ever have. k here are the deets.
Makes 15-16 balls
- 1 cup quick dry rolled oats
- 2 Tbsp Raw Peanut Butter (I grind mine at smiths) if you don’t have that luxury at your store, no worries, you can grab Justines Peanut Butter, or I like Maranatha.
- 2 Scoops Peanut Butter OR Chocolate Orgain Plant Based Protein. Its good with either.
- 1 Tbsp Honey
- 1 Full Syringe Vanilla Creme Sweet Drops (btw these are life changing, I use in coffee as well)
- 3 Tbsp Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips
- 1/4-1/3 Cup Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
Step 1: Mix all ingredients into a medium size bowl besides almond milk.
Step 2: Add in 1/3 Cup Almond milk first. If the mixture is to dry, add in a little more. It should be slightly moist in order for it to form into balls, but not to wet.
Step 3: Form into about 1 inch sized balls. The size depends on you, but I like mine enough to take 2 bites from.
SO there you have it! They’re the easiest to make. Store them in the fridge until you’re ready to eat. Oaks loves them too! It’s literally a win win for everyone. I’m always l looking for easy, healthy and yummy treats to grab on the go.
Let me know if you guys try them and love them! Tag me in your post, or story!
Have a great day!