Oh Sugar. We all love it, we all crave it… In fact, when we feed our bodies refined sugars, the more we crave and the more hungry we get.
Have you noticed when you eat, say a huge ass cookie, or piece of cake, you want MORE. Your cravings and hunger strike you like NO OTHER.
Thats because when you eat certain foods that contain a lot of sugar and carbohydrates, which get broken down into sugar, this sugar gets poured quickly into your bloodstream.
Your body needs to control blood sugar carefully. So If your body doesn’t have a normal control over blood sugar, you could experience these hunger strikes out of the blue. This is because certain foods make you hungrier after you eat them.
So, High-protein foods like nuts, low sugar fruit (berries) meats, and veggies, dump less sugar and carbohydrates into your body, which means you might find that you are not hungry soon after eating.
Here is what I try to avoid.
Starches: white breads, cornbread, croissants, cereals, cornstarch, crackers, flour, Granola, Muffins, noodles, pancakes, pasta, potatoes (besides sweet & red potatoes)
Sweets: Ice cream, jam or jelly, doughnuts, cookies, frozen yogurt, sugary soda, high fructose corn syrup, sugar (white and brown), dried fruit, pastries, molasses, fruit juice, any candy.
Other junk foods: ANY Fried foods, chips etc..
Man I know. These are the fun foods, but also make me feel like garbage.
I don’t avoid at all costs, because that isn’t real life. I still splurge and enjoy it all.
BUT the rule of thumb I follow is strictly following the 80/20 rule. 80% all clean foods, and 20% having fun and splurging. Works like wonders and you can still enjoy and have fun!
Here is a list of foods I enjoy all the time.
Vegetables: ALL
Fruits: apples, strawberries, bananas, pineapple, blueberries, raspberries etc..
Legumes: black beans, lentils, kidney beans, peas, edamame…
Seeds: flax, chia, pumpkin, quinoa
Whole Grains: pure brown rice, oats, rice, bread… I chose these grains that are purely whole.
If you need help, or a jump start to a new healthy lifestyle, I created my 7 DAY MEAL PLAN for you! I kept a journal and wrote down everything I ate in 7 days, and put it in this book for you.
Has grocery list, each macro on every single recipe. All easy and healthy recipes, very efficient for all you busy on the go’s!
You can download my 7 DAY MEAL PLAN by clicking that link, or it is to the right of you on my sidebar.
I am not telling you how to live your life, just simply sharing what I have found makes me live a healthier life and makes me feel good.
Let me know your thoughts, opinions and questions about it all!
So…! You’ve seen me post this outfit on my instagram a couple times, but I wanted to link and share it with you here. I cannot even begin to describe my new obsession for Alo pants. They’re extremely comfortable and moveable. I am a big fan.
Have an amazing weekend!
Sara Lynn