THE FAB 4 SMOOTHIE… where do I even begin about this amazing smoothie.
WELL.. if you guys follow me on my IG stories and snapchat you know that I drink this baby every morning.
Lets back it up here, I recently found Be Well By Kelly. @bewellbykelly on instagram and saw her Fab 4 smoothie Idea and FELL IN LOVE with her & the smoothie. She’s so informative and knowledgeable when it comes to health.
Her fab 4 smoothie gave me loads and loads of ideas for smoothies. I’ve been drinking and testing out tons of different recipes all Summer long, and I’ve got one I want to share with you now! I love this one, and hope you do too.
So why do I love it so much? Well, it keeps me full and satisfied longer, also starts my day off on the right foot, so I’m always reaching for good things throughout the day. It helps control your blood sugar levels so they don’t spike soon after eating, therefore making you feel like you want all the carbs.
What does Fab 4 Smoothie mean?
“The #bewellsmoothie is a formula to help you develop a blood sugar balancing meal replacement shake in any flavor with enough protein, fat and fiber to keep you full. Many juice shops, grocery smoothie bars and smoothie recipes are loaded with sugar, specifically fructose sugar from excess fruit. Fructose sugar stores as fat 20-30% faster than glucose. The #bewellsmoothie limits fructose to 1/4 cup.
#FAB4Smoothie : Protein (20g min) + Fiber (10g min) + 1 Tbsp. Fat + Handful Greens + 1/4 Cup Fruit + Superfoods + Liquid“
There is the formula! I’ve followed this every single morning the whole Summer, and I can honestly tell you it works! I used to eat breakfast and feel STARVED after an hour, now I eat and feel satisfied for a good 3-4 hours before I eat again.
I never crave anything sugary or carby (carby?) haha yep carby. So if you’re looking to shed some LB’S and trying to keep satisfied, try it out! I will keep sharing my smoothie ideas with you on my stories, so make sure to follow along.
Try it for yourself & let me know how you like it!
1/2 cup water
5 Ice Cubes
1 tbsp hemp seeds
1 tbsp coconut oil
1 handful kale & spinach
1/4 cup chopped strawberries
1 scoop vanilla protein (I like Orgain-plant based)
Hope you guys enjoy! Let me know if you have any questions!