











I wanted to talk more about my 7 DAY MEAL PLAN, and what it is about.

In my late teens, and early twenties, I had definite eating problems.  From binging and purging to not caring anymore and just eating and eating.

I finally found my balance, and let me tell you, it has taken a lot of time to get here.

When I say that one day it clicks, I mean it. 

I just finally was sick of my body, and my health, and made up my mind that I was going to change it.

I knew how to eat somewhat healthy, from reading about celebrity diets and blah blah haha.  I know, weird, but back even 7 years ago, I didn’t know what an influencer was like I do now, and of course they weren’t even that heard of.

Anyways, so I started by simply counting my calories.  I stuck with eating 1200 calories a day, and that is what I did for a year. 

I lost 30 lbs.  It was great.  I enjoyed my weekends still and had a good routine going and felt good about myself.

Then when I got married I got more into health, just reading articles. 

I then started to make green smoothies, started looking at labels more and making sure I wasn’t eating food dyes, artificial flavors, and GMOS.

I went to eating 1200, to eating 1500 a day.

THEN I started macros the next year.  THIS changed the ENTIRE game.

THIS is when I started to gain real muscle and get really toned.

Aside from my appearance.  This changed my overall health. I just felt GOOD.  I didn’t feel starving and I didn’t feel crazy cravings like I did before, because I was eating what my body actually needed.

I talk more about the Macro thing in this post on “ITS ALL ABOUT MACROS“.  It will explain it all.

I did this up until I got pregnant. 

Before I was pregnant I was cheating way to much on the weekends though, I will admit.

I still felt good and looked good, but by Monday every week, I just felt crummy, and it wasn’t until Wednesday of each week, that I finally felt better after following my plan for 2 days.

I also drank to much beer on the weekend haha.

So ever since having Oaks I have cut back a lot on alcohol (not that i was drinking it to much before, but I cut it out almost completely)

And I cut back on cheating so much on the weekends.

Now, I have one cheat meal a week and have a glass of wine here and there, and I feel better than ever.

THIS is how I got my abs back and even better.  I haven’t had tone like this.

So, as much as I hate to admit it, beer sucks the life out of your abs haha. At least for me.  So I keep the drinking to a minimal.

I don’t follow this plan really that much on vacations though.

Okay, so anyways.  This EBOOK was designed to keep you healthy and feeling SO Good.  I love this book, every single day of my life.

I don’t believe in crazy low carb diets.  I don’t think it is healthy to eat under 100 carbs a day.

Not bashing on any diet, this is just my personal opinion.

Also, not saying they don’t work, but I believe in something you will do forever.

This will keep you from binging out, and keep you healthy and feeling great all the time.

I have done crazy diets.  They didn’t work for me. I was at my heaviest when I would cut out carbs.  Because I would end up binging out.

To each their own, but this Meal Plan is to keep you healthy and feeling good, and not starved.

If you’re a busy on the go mom, then this will help!  I don’t have a ton of time to cook, so this plan works.

AND not to mention the energy you need to help you get through the day chasing your babies around.

It is not specifically designed for each individual, but it will definitely give you so many ideas, and you can modify it however you want!

Here is the post I did about my 7 DAY MEAL PLAN

Let me knoif you have any questions at all, or if you have it, let me know how it’s going!



43 45 46 50   56-2 41-2 PANTS: Jolt via Nordstrom TOP: Topshop / SHOES: Dolce Vita (33% OFF) / WATCH: Arvo / SUNGLASSES: Ray-Ban / BAG: Kate Spade 

It’s Friday, so excited for this weekend!  Summer is seriously amazing.  Especially now that I have Oaks its even more fun because I can take him to swimming, and playing in the park.  We have been having so much fun outside this week!  You know this is you follow on SnapChat: lovebylynn.

SO these PANTS, let me just tell you, I found the perfect must have pants for this Summer.  All those BBQ’s, pool parties, camping trips, I mean you NAME IT!  They are only $40 AND the comfiest cutest things I have ever seen.. I mean really how can you go wrong with them?  Night out and you want to be comfortable?  Put on these babies with some wedges.  Night in?  They could be used for PJS.. I mean you never know 🙂 

With that said, I am going to head to the gym and wish you guys a FABULOUS weekend.  

Thanks for reading!

 Chat with you later!

