






I recently asked what are some of your struggles with your fitness and health journey, on my instagram.  I am going to be covering those topics within the next week!

I am going to start with “How do I keep motivated?” I got this question a couple times, along with feeling to tired to work out.


Okay so there are things that can keep you motivated,  you just have to find those things that keep YOU motivated.  I am constantly having to keep things interesting, or else I do get bored.

I will share some ideas for you, that keep me motivated to give you ideas.

  1. Cute work out clothes.. I know but this really does work.  That or some cute nikes. LOVE THESE, and my favorite pants EVER are THESE.
  2. Bikini Season is around the corner.  So that is a huge motivator for me.
  3. I constantly remind myself how good I feel after a good sweat session!  
  4. I have more energy and I am in a much better mood throughout the day, if I start if off right!
  5. Stay eating healthy, and you will want to get moving everyday!  My Meal Plan will help give you tons of healthy recipes!  
  6.  The harder you work, the more results you’re going to end up seeing so I always keep that in my mind!
  7.  Guys I LOVE my LOVE HIIT BG because I NEVER hit a plateau.  It is constantly keeping me on my toes haha.  I continue to see improvement every month that I do it!  I have been doing it for a year now!  Read about it by clicking that link.
  8.  Hold yourself accountable with your goals by sharing them with say, your husband or a family member or friend.   Check in with them weekly and tell them you want their help!
  9.  Do it for someone!  For example, I want to look good for my husband and I always want to keep him on his toes haha.   Lets be honest, men are visual.  I want him to stay attracted to me always and want to be sexy for him.  Not that he is just attracted to the only fit Sara haha, but I like to keep things spicy.
  10.  Lastly, take progress photos!  Get in a the same swim suite every week, or bra and underwear, in good lighting and take a photo of your progress.  This totally is such a motivator!  You will be amazed at the difference you see by doing this!   Sometimes we become blinded by our progress because we look at ourselves everyday, so try this out!

What are some things you guys do to stay motivated?  

Have a great day!



5-3So here’s the thing, we all have a hard time getting ourselves to the gym everyday.  We all make excuses of why we can’t.  I know I do sometimes.  “I have no time”, “I am to tired”, “I can’t afford it”.  Blah, blah, blah.

I find myself making those excuses too.  Also you don’t need a gym to get a work out in.  

So here is some things I do that help keep me motivated to get going and work out!

1. Plan your day out with the Self Journal I did a post about, and MAKE SURE you schedule your work out in anytime within that day and Time block an hour of it into your day.

2. Set goals. Where would you like to be in a 1 month to a years time?  When I set goals and give myself a timeline it’s a lot easier to keep motivated and excited about whats to come.

3. Stay consistent.  If you stay consistent in working out, it will then become a habit.  The best habit you can have!

4. Take progress photos.  We are our biggest critics, so sometimes its hard to see the results.  If you take weekly, to monthly photos whatever you want.  You will be able to tell how much you have tightened up, and its SO incredibly motivating.  It just pushes you even harder.   You will be so shocked at how much you have changed.

5. Don’t get on the scale obsessively.  Guys.. this one is completely changed my whole mindset.  I used to get on the scale every. single. morning. NOT kidding.  What a joke?  YES. 

I had body image issues just like everyone else.  BUT now that I don’t do that AT ALL I am SO much happier.  

Also, keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat.  So when you are toning up and losing weight you will actually look thinner, and might weigh a little more than you thought. So that goes back to taking progress photos!  That will help you be able to see the difference.

Honestly, working out isn’t just about my body, and what I look like.  Working out to me is therapeutic.  It makes me a happier person.  It helps my relationships and overall self esteem.  It helps me be more mindful, and helps me be the BEST mom I can be.  And that is the most important thing in the entire world to me.

What do you guys do to keep motivated?! I would love to hear what you all do!


Credits: Paige Nicolle Photography


Have a great weekend!
